Sunday, November 27, 2011

God's Day Off

The past few years, I have always thought I should not ask the Lord for anything on November 24th.  Instead, I would just thank Him.  This year I put the idea into practice.  On Wed. I was wondering how I would be able to make it through a whole day without asking the Lord for anything. "Maybe I should just do it for half of the day." I thought.  But Thanksgiving day came and I woke up with nothing but thanks and praise in my prayer time.

I read some of the Psalms where the author is praising and thanking the Lord for His goodness, His love, and kindness.  Normally, I would pray "Lord, please help me through this day.  I know it's going to be a long day, so I ask for the strength to get the work done in a way that is glorifying to You."  But that morning my prayers went something like this: "Thank You Lord for how You will help me through today.  Thank You that I am able to go to work and be a blessing to those around me.  I thank You for my family and I thank You for how You will be with Janel and Daniel as they are away from home this year."  

On my eighteen minute drive home from work around 7:20 p.m., I was still full of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord.  I was amazed at how He had helped me at work and that my co-worker who normally acts quite rude to me was somewhat nice to me.  I was a bit surprised that I had (almost) made it through a whole day of not asking anything from the Lord. I was almost in tears because of how gracious the Lord had been to me. 

I had no idea how much I ask for things until I didn't ask for anything for a whole day.  When I realized this, I felt like a needy person.  I was humbled.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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