Friday, March 29, 2013

Questions from John 18

This morning I was reading John 18.  Verse 20 and 21 are verses that always challenge me.
"I have spoken openly to the world," Jesus replied. "I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. Why question me? [Here comes the part that makes me look into my own life:] Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said." John 18:20-21 NIV

I've heard what the Lord said by way of reading the Bible.  
Question: Do I know/remember what He said?

I continued reading and came to verses 33-34 of the same chapter:
"Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" [Get ready, here comes the good part:]"Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?" John 18:33-34

Lots of people know who Jesus is, and have come up with all sorts of stories about Him. But here's the thing:
Question: Is it my idea I came up with, or did I get that idea from reading the Bible?

When you get to verse 38, you find that Pilate has a valid question:
"What is truth?" Pilate asked."

That posed a question in my mind:
Question: I know what I believe, but why do I believe it?  Is it because others told me about it (it was their own idea? Read verse 34).  Or do I believe what I believe because I read the Bible and know what Jesus said (read verse 21)? 

Just a few thoughts I wanted to share with you all as I reflect on the Easter weekend and what my Lord and Savior went through because of His unconditional love for me.

May you all have a blessed and joyful Easter as we celebrate an empty tomb and a risen Lord!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Some events that may have happened over the past few weeks, may or may not be limited to the following:
 ~ Attending orchestra practice on Thursday evenings
~ Visited my sister for her birthday
~ Helped a calf learn to walk  . . . in the basement
~ Tried on stiletto shoes (the most unuseful shoe that was ever created )
~ Looked at numerous floor plans of houses  
~ Attended a Mary Kay Party
~ Attended a girls retreat as a counselor
~ Played music with my aunt at her church
~ Learned how to play the card game Kent (or Kemp)
 ~ Went hiking and saw some beautiful waterfalls

~ Enjoyed spending time with my aunt and uncle
~ Made an apple and pecan pie
~ Watched Braveheart
~ Went hiking again and engaged in conversation regarding how living in the south can change one's view's of the Civil War
~ Marveled at what I learned during some one - on - one time with the Lord
~ Was informed that mom sprained her ankle while doing chores
~ Made new friends   
~ Watched Kate and Leopold (A new favorite movie!)
~ Started reading The Works of Josephus
~ Enjoyed the creation of the Lord

Blessings until next time!