Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Let's Read!

This little girly loves to be read to!  When Janel, mom and I were welcoming dad home on his last day of work, Natasha came over and said "I have an idea! Let's read books!" 
 Janel has been reading the Little House books to Natasha, and she loves them!  One never knows when Natasha will inform you that she's not Natasha: "I'm Laura."  Or "I'm Royal [Almanzo's brother]."
When I had to put my dog down in October, Janel encouraged me to write a children's book about Corkie.  So I did.  Corkie The Story of A Farm Dog was my gift to Natasha at Christmas.  Upon opening it, Natasha sat down in her mama's lap and said "Read."  
My aunt and uncle came over at Christmas time, and guess what Natasha wanted to do? 
Uncle Richard sat and read to her for at least a half hour. 
Later that day, Grandpa sat and read to her.  
When we were done eating, and enjoying the company around the table, Natasha would run and get as many books as her little arms could hold, return to the table and say "I have an idea! Let's read books!"

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