Sunday, September 16, 2012

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Looking Back:
As we continue to sort through Grandma's house, we came across some lots of cards and letters dating from 2010 to the 1940's, when Grandma and Grandpa were still in high school!  When I say we found cards, I mean we found every New Years, Valentine, Easter, Birthday, Graduation, and Christmas card - still in the envelope.  Not to mention all the letters from school friends and family.  At first I wasn't looking forward to having to sort through allllll the letters.  They're old, they feel funny, some of them smell . . . I just come away feeling uckie. 
However.  I've really enjoyed learning what my grandparents generation talking about. Grandma's friend June was a faithful writer in every since of the word.  She was interested in comparing school grades, school programs, music teachers, favorite new 'pop' songs and movies (one of which included Gary Cooper), who's going out with who, hair cuts/perms, new clothes, and a funny story or two.  (Like the time a school boy's pet pigeon followed him to school and sat in the open window, then flew over June's desk, scaring her. The teacher shooed it out, but it walked right back in and this time flew over to land on the piano, which had everyone "roaring" by that time.  But the teacher had "had enough" so she put the bird outside and shut the window!) Is that not a newsy letter?!
We also found girdles at Grandma's.
  There were at least thirty of them . . .
Some have seen better days, so I butchered them to save the boning for Civil War corsets.  
Looking Forward:
I signed up to start taking an on-line interior decorating class at Penn Foster Career School!  I'm really looking forward to what I will learn, in hopes that it will help me pursue my dream of fixing up old homes.
I am in the process of filling out some job applications in the town where my cousins live.  I am ready to begin a new chapter in life.  I am ready to sprout my wings and fly.  I'm ready to set up my own housekeeping.
Page from Grandma's housekeeping book.
Grandma's hope chest wishes
Due to Grandma's passing, I have everything one would need to set up housekeeping (including a piano!).  Once I get a job (Lord willing), I will be looking for a little house that I can make a home for myself, and hopefully have a female housemate. 
Janel, catching up on news from 1952

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