Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Again

Do you ever wish you could be little again?  Back when you could fit on mommy's lap when she read to you.  Back when you cut out models from the JCPenny catalog for paper dolls.  Back when you went over to friends houses and played house under the bushes.  Or made a fort in the back woods with your sister.  Or went swimming in the cow's water trough.  And helped daddy make a birthday cake for mommy (we ended up putting one Tablespoon of salt in, instead of one teaspoon).  Or went hunting for craw dads in the creek bed.  Or when your little hand got lost in daddy's big hand.

Remember making houses under the dinning room table by throwing a blanket over the table?  (The older I got the more I hit my head on the bottom of the table, then it wasn't fun anymore.)  Remember wanting dresses that you could twirl in?  (I think I watched too much of Bobby and Sissy dancing on The Lawrence Welk show.) Remember when you wanted to wear matching clothes?

Do you remember when you were little, and you never thought you'd grow up?  I never thought my sister would get married.  It was one of those things that you always dreamed about, but it would never come to pass.

But it did.  
A few years later, my sister had a baby.  (That was another event that was only to be dreamed about.)  I love that  little girl that belongs to the Lord, and my sister and her husband! 

(She really loves her Aunt. :)
          I don't really mind being grown up now.  But there are times when I just want to be little again.  
Now, if you will excuse me, I'm off to find an old catalog, in search of new paper dolls.  
And dream about things yet to happen.


  1. I just glanced in the box of paper dolls this morning. Are you really making *more*?! :)

  2. Aww, Tiffany! This just warmed my heart straight through! ❤ ^‿^
