Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Groundhogs as Neighbors

Whoever thought to call an animal a ground-hog?  I mean, really?!  A groundhog hardly even resembles anything close to a hog!  Anyway . . .

My Jack Russel dog turned sixteen years old this year.  The first year we had him, he brought in around twenty small groundhogs within two days.  He would run around in the fields, bring a groundhog in, leave it lie, go out, get another one, bring it in, let it lie, go out - . . . . You get the picture.  Corkie kept us busy disposing of his hourly door prizes. 

Now that Corkie is getting up in years, he is more interested in seeing the insides of his eyelids while lying in the shade and dreaming about his younger years.  His inactive hobby of hunting groundhogs has caused a slight increase of these so called 'hogs' around the farm. 
Groundhog hole
Our intruding visitors have wasted no time in setting up house keeping on the banks of the lagoon (or manure pit.  Whichever term you prefer to use is fine, everyone at the Liberty Livestock farm will know what you're talking about). Our neighbors are helping themselves to the beans: 
See the area that has no beans?  (It must be gleaning season in their option.)   But who could blame them for wanting to save on gasoline money by shopping for food close to home?
As comfortable as our new residents have become, they are trespassing on private property.  In hopes of getting this message across to our ground-dwellers, mom made a special beverage for the new family on the block: Pepsi and Golden Malron.  To our dismay, they weren't thirsty.  So mom and dad set up walls.  These walls have peep holes so dad can spy on them . . . While he's holding a wood stick . . . That shoots out little balls of 'firecrackers', and has the potential to put things to sleep rather quickly.
View from spy hole
Because dad is over six feet tall and we don't want our trespassers to see him over the wall, mom provided dad with a chair.
Every now and then mom and I would hear a "Ka Boom"! and see dad walk away from his breastworks with the gun propped over his shoulder in a relaxed way.  Mission accomplished for one day. 

Update: Due to the storm (mentioned in previous post), the walls got blown over.  But then again, we would have been taking the them down soon anyway. . . Either dad got all of them or they got wise, packed their bags and left.

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